Hello and Welcome to my website!
I am thrilled to be launching this site! I am in the final phase of completing an Apprenticeship with the School of Intuitive Herbalsim. This has been a deep and personal journey for me over the past 5 or 6 years, and I’m excited to be bringing this work out into the world and sharing what I love. I am currently working with Case Study’s, so do take a look around at what my work entails and get in touch if you would like to find out more.
I feel I am just at the beginning!
EarthStar.Birthing is intended to be a living and growing platform, supporting individuals and communities to discover there own unique path in this world. It is the recognition of the innate and unique creativity each of us has within us; an acknowledgement of individual purpose we all have on this earth, and is an offering from me to unconditionally witness, support, and enable insight to you along the way.
More blog posts to follow, exploring the many many areas and multifaceted layers of herbalism, along my own enquires into life / existence and the wonderment of the universe, as well as recipes and ways for you to with working with plants at home.
Love, Emily x