“Let me see what I need to see to serve”

— Nathaniel Hughes, School of Intuitive Herbalism

Through each of theses layers runs a common theme; that of being a compassionate listener, witnessing what is taking place in the other, and how best I can facilitate this to unfold.

It will often be a very relaxing and nurturing experience, with light touch or holding of certain body parts. There is also the possibility for big emotions to open up, which are always welcomed with kindness and compassion. We may also ‘journey‘ into a certain area of the body through dialogue to help reveal what is there.

Listening Touch is supportive throughout pregnancy and postpartum, and can be supportive in the journey of conception, softening and opening the body ready to recieve.

I work with a nurturing and gentle form of subtle bodywork called Listening Touch. There are 3 layers to what this can bring to an Insight Herbalism session:

  • Open the space for a deeper potency to take place by coming into somatic awareness

  • Helps the body to reveal what it may need, and what is being held within it

  • Integrating what has taken place and allowing relaxation and deep rest

“Every part of us is continually undergoing dynamic changes from liquid states to solid gel states and back again as we grow, move, learn, and age, and no single part ever changes its state without sending reverberations out to all the other parts. Our organic life is an interconnectedness that goes far beyond the mechanical relationships between fluids, tubes, levers, cable, and springs. if we genuinely affect one level of this interaction, then through it we can reach many levels, and the more sophisticated our sense of these interpenetrations are, then the more varied and precise the manipulative facilitations used in bodywork can be.” 

— From Job’s Body, a handbook for Bodywork by Deane Juhan