Insight Enquiry - Intake Form
It is important that you fill out this form prior to your first session.
All information will be kept safe and confidential. All information will be viewed in a compassionate and non-judgemental capacity. Please fill out as much detail as possible. Any questions you do no feel comfortable with answering can be left out.
The block of 3 sessions is £225. This includes Essence of Rose Tincture + other herbs during the sessions and for you deepen with in between, including p&p for me to send it to you if we are working online
Please pay a deposit of £75 after submitting your form. The remaining balance of £150 is due prior to the first session. If you personal circumstance means you would like a different payment option please do let me know and we can see what we can arrange.
Bank details for payment:
Ms E A Taylor
Account No: 75471809 Sort Code: 60-02-38
Reference: Insight 1:1